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Venue of the conference

Conference takes place at Faculty of Arts, University of Presov in Presov.

Faculty of Arts - www.unipo.sk/ff/
University of Prešov in Prešov
Ul. 17. novembra č. 1
081 16 Prešov

Location: Eastern part of Slovakia

Town: Prešov, University area - see it on Panoramio + Google maps - (near Torysa river)
                                                - see attached map with navigation

    FF map FF PU

How to get here

0) Navigation from train and bus station in Presov (arrival from Kosice or Kysak), you may:
a) use civil transport system - bus no. 38 (jointed trolleybus), buy 10 minutes ticket, get off on 3rd bus stop called "Vysokoškolský areál" (University area), (see red "A" mark on the attached minimap).
b) go by walking - stipulated time approx. 15-20 minutes, head to the center (Masarykova street), on the first traffic lights turn left on "Čierny most" (Black bridge) over the rails, continue down on the main street (Skultetyho), you will cross next traffic lights (go straight), continue on the main street, see next bridge (over the river), do not cross it - turn right and you are on 17. novembra street. U can see University area (with information table) by your left hand. Faculty of Arts building is located near the midle of the University area (see red mark and arrow on the attached minimap).
c) use taxi, 17. novembra street no. 1, Faculty of Arts, price approx. 5 - 10 €. You can give taxi driver this text: "na ulicu 17. novembra č. 1, Filozofická fakulta (stará budova - aula oproti starému internátu)".

1) By air
Regularly scheduled flights come to international Košice airport (www.airportkosice.sk). There are daily flights between Kosice and Bratislava, also between Kosice and Prague, Amsterdam Netherlands or Rome Italy. Other destinations are added from time to time, but these are fairly stable. Charter flights reach many more regional airports. (Served by Czech Airlines, Slovak Airlines, Sky Europe, Austrian Airlines, British Midland, and more). Kosice airport has the international code KSC.
Distance from Košice airport to Presov is aproximately 40 km. You can take a taxi to central bus station from where each hour goes a bus to Presov. You can also rent a car. Use highway D1/E50 to get from Kosice to Presov. From the airport, follow route E50, continue through Kosice city and follow signs to Presov.

2) By train
Many of Europe’s busiest train routes pass through or very near Slovakia. It is especially simple to travel from neighbouring countries. There are also regular trains directly to and from key cities in Germany, Italy and Russia. Generally, the train fares are very low. The train network in Slovakia is well developed, and trains are the most comfortable way to travel. Check out the web site of Slovak Railways for a comprehensive train schedule available in english version.
You may check Slovak Railways - www.zsr.sk or independent Schedule page - www.cp.sk.

3) By bus
Most countries in Europe are connected with Slovak destinations by regular service, usually direct (Eurolines provides service from 21 European towns). You may check www.cp.sk.

4) By car
The Slovak Republic has a network of motorways and roads that are moderately well marked. It is necessary to buy and display the obligatory motorway sticker when driving on the Slovak highways. Stickers can be purchased at post offices, border crossings, and selected petrol stations.

Traffic regulations
The Slovak traffic regulations are similar to those in effect in other EU member states. A few basic rules are:
• the maximum allowable speed in towns and villages is 50 km/h (nights included),
• the maximum allowable speed for cars and buses of up to 3,500 kg is 90 km/h on roads and 130 km/h on highways,
• the maximum allowable speed for motorcycles is 90 km/h,
• no consumption of alcohol at all is allowed before or during driving,
• seat belts must be fastened during the entire journey (driver and all passengers),
• motorcyclists and their side-car passengers must wear helmets,
• lights must be switched on all the year long,
• mandatory children car safety seats.

In case of any questions, please contact Doc. PaedDr. Tatiana Matulay, PhD. via email ecce_at_gmail and we will assist you with more detailed instructions.

European Centre for Community EducationUniversity of Presov in Presov